jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

The Life of the Industrial Worker (Scott and Baltzly)

Joshua Drake, called in; and Examined 

  1. Joshua mentioned that he would prefer work fewer hours and earn lower wages because it is difficult to work long periods of time. 
  2. "Why you would allow your children to go to work at those places where they are ill-treated or over-worked? --- Necessity compels a man that has children to let them work." This part of the essay demonstrates the need that poor people in the Victorian era lived. 
  3. If it was not from necessity, I would not allow my kids to do it. 
  4. They mentioned a law to reduced labour hours and wages with it, but Joshua said that he preferred that.  
  5. In addition, an advantage of limiting the hours was mentioned. Limiting work hours will allow other people to have a job since many people work day and night and that takes away work from someone else.

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